Alessandro Gianola

ATTENTION: I have a new affiliation! To contact me, DON’T USE the OLD e-mail:, BUT USE the NEW e-mail
This webpage is outdated, because it is about my previous appointment at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. My new webpage is at:
I am a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, and a senior researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science at the KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy). From February to August 2020, I was also Visiting Scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
I hold a PhD in Computer Science, earned cum laude at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and a Master’s Degree in Mathematics, earned cum laude at Università degli Studi di Milano. My scientific interests involve computational logic and Business Process Management (BPM): specifically, my research activity focuses on theoretical and methodological aspects of mathematical logic and formal methods for verification of complex (business) processes with data. I am a member of the Program Committee of several international conferences, such as BPM 2023, IJCAI 2023, KR 2023 and ECAI 2023. My PhD dissertation won three prestigious awards: the 2022 Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science Award given by the Italian Chapter of EATCS, the 2022 Best BPM Dissertation Award given by the BPM Association, and the 2023 CADE Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning given by CADE Inc.
Main Research Areas
Formal Verification, Automated Reasoning, BPM, Computational Logic, Model Checking, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Logic, Theoretical Computer Science
Contact Information:
- New e-mail:
Curriculum Vitae (16/04/2023): CV
- 2023 CADE Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning
- 27/05/2023: I was the winner of the 2023 CADE Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning, given by CADE Inc. for substantive contributions to the field of Automated Reasoning (
- PC member of KR 2023 in Rhodes, Greece
- 14/03/2023: I am a member of the Program Committee of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) in Rhodes, Greece.
- PC member of ECAI 2023 in Kraków, Poland
- 06/02/2023: I am a member of the Program Committee of the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023) in Kraków, Poland.
- PC member of IJCAI 2023 in Macao, S.A.R.
- 05/01/2023: I am a member of the Program Committee of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023) in Macao, S.A.R.
- Organizer of the 1st FM-BPM, an international BPM 2023 workshop
- 16/12/2022: I am one of the organizers, together with Claudio Di Ciccio and Andrey Rivkin, of the First International Workshop on Formal Methods for Business Process Management (FM-BPM 2023), co-located with BPM 2023 in Utrecht.
- PC member of BPM 2023 in Utrecht, Netherlands
- 05/12/2022: I am a member of the Program Committee of the 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2023) in Utrecht, Netherlands.
- 2022 Best BPM Dissertation award
- 14/09/2022: I was the winner of the 2022 Best BPM Dissertation award, given by the BPM Association at the 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022).
- 2022 Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science award
- 09/09/2022: I was recipient of the 2022 Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science award, given by the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). The award was presented at ICTCS 2022.
- Invited Speaker at iPRA 2022, a FLoC 2022 workshop
- 11/08/2022: I was invited speaker at iPRA 2022 – the 4th Workshop on Interpolation: From Proofs to Applications, a FLoC 2022 workshop affiliated with IJCAR 2022, where I gave the talk with the title ‘Uniform Interpolants and Model Completions in Formal Verification of Infinite-State Systems‘
- Best Paper Award at BPM 2021
- 09/09/2021: Our paper titled ‘CoCoMoT: Conformance Checking of Multi-perspective Processes via SMT’, co-authored with Paolo Felli, Marco Montali, Andrey Rivkin and Sarah Winkler, won the Best Paper Award at the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2021).